Here We Go...Again

Friday, July 28, 2017

   It feels so strange to be sitting here at my keyboard typing away on a blog post again. It's a good strange though, I think.
   For those of you who are new here, I used to blog all the time. I started the prior incarnation of SOMETIMES back when I was in high school (please don't ask how long ago that was) as a way to connect with others & create a positive place where we could share thoughts & opinions. As time went on I felt pressure to make my blog one thing or the other & lost sight of what I wanted it to be in the first place; a place to talk about anything not just one thing. Between that & some pretty major health problems I decided to step away. I wasn't sure how long that would be for which is why I never made any promises to come back. I wasn't entirely sure I would.
   I started to miss it all though; talking with y'all, writing, & taking photographs to accompany the words for each post. When I first started thinking about returning I honestly talked myself out of it. Repeatedly.
   I was scared. Scared that I wouldn't be able to regain the momentum I had before. Scared that no one would want to read what I had to say. Scared that people would read it & hate it. Scared of what would happen if I failed & if I succeeded. Scared of putting that much of myself out there. Scared of getting stressed out or stuck talking about one thing all the time again. Then someone looked me right in the eye & said "It's your blog. Do what you want with it.".
   I've decided this time to not get pressured into having a "theme" or "main topic". It's my blog talking about what I want. That's my topic/theme. I also realize now that I can't, & shouldn't have to, compete with blogs that are run by professionals or a team. I'm one person & definitely not a professional. I'll do my best & hope you all like it too.
   All in all, I'm hopeful & glad to be back.

P.S. - I'm still trying to work out the last few design kinks. Please be patient with me while I make the final tweaks and adjustments.